Jaar: 1919
Speelduur: 14 mins
Beschrijving: I. Events on 23rd October. Captain J B Luckie leads 'G' Company, 313rd Infantry Regiment, 79th (Liberty) Division, over the top in a training exercise in the region of Combres. The town of Cambrai after liberation, showing the German military headquarters based in the town hall. Refugees start to return to their various homes in the town. Major-General G W Read, the commander of II Corps, with his Chief of Staff Brigadier-General G S Simonds, Captain Marshal Prentis ADC, 1st Lieutenant B F Dawson ADC and Lieutenant-Colonel J G Taylor, Chief Signals Officer, inspects a captured deep dugout and pillbox near Le Catelet. Nearby Taylor with 1st Lieutenant E O Harris inspects the wreck of a German limber with the horses dead. Beside it are four graves marked with German helmets. II. Events on 24th October. Colonel J E Dent, commanding 104th Engineer Regiment, 29th (Blue and Gray) Division inspecting road traffic on horseback near Samogneux. Captain J Duffield, attached to 111th Machine Gun Battalion, 29th Division, with his men in tents near Samogneux. One of the men tells a story about his adventures, with much hand-waving and dramatic gestures. III. Events at Cunel on 25th October. 1st Lieutenant William J Fox of the Signal Corps films a church allegedly used by the Germans as a cinema. In the village men of 90th (Alamo) Division have taken over a mansion formerly used by the Germans as a headquarters. 3rd Battalion, 358th Infantry Regiment of the division establishes its first aid post nearby. The view east down the main street followed by the view north towards the Bois de Rappes, with men of the division moving up. At a command post in the wood are, left to right 1st Lieutenant R H Hicks, 1st Lieutenant M D Fowler and 2nd Lieutenant F P Gerling of the division. The view out of the wood towards the German position on a hill. A carrying party from 358th Infantry Regiment brings food up to the forward positions in the wood. Inside the wood, a Vickers machine gun of 'D' Company, 344th Machine Gun Battalion, has been placed in support of 358th Infantry Regiment.
US film of their own forces in the Advance to Victory, Western Front, 23rd-25th October 1918.
Trefwoorden: EFG1914 / World War I / Luckie, J B / Read, George W / Simonds, George S / Prentis, M / Dawson, B F / Taylor, J G / Harris, E O / Dent, J E / Duffield, J / Fox, William J / Hicks, R H / Fowler, M D / Gerling, F P / United States Army & American Expeditionary Force / United States Army & Div 79 & Infantry Regt 313, G Coy / United States Army & Corps 2 / United States Army & Div 29 & Engineer Regt 104 / United States Army & Div 29 & Machine Gun Bn 101 / United States Army & Signal Corps / United States Army & Div 90 & Infantry Regt 358, Bn 3 / United States Army & Div 90 & Machine Gun Bn 344 / training, United States military - combat / buildings, German - military: headquarters & [captured] / buildings, French - institutional: town hall / defences, German - emplacement: [captured] / animals, mammals: horse & [casualties] / casualties, German graves - battlefield / operations, United States military - movement: road / recreation, United States military - casual / journalism and record, United States - cameraman / buildings, French - religious: church & [abuse] / propaganda, United States - inflammatory / buildings, German - commercial: cinema / medical, United States military - emergency / refugees, French - return / supplies, United States, movement [FA] - food / weapons, British - smallarm: Vickers machine gun & [United States] / 01/3(4-15).9 / Combres, Eure-et-Loire, France / Town Hall, Cambrai, Nord, France / Le Catelet, Aisne, France / Samogneux, Meuse, France / Cunel, Meuse, France / Bois de Rappes, Verdun, Meuse, France
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rechten: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Productiemaatschappij: US Signal Corps
Kleur: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Type document :